
Madbob - An Angry American

Thoughts & rants concerning US & world events |

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Reduce the London Death Toll by Four

Whatever the final body count becomes from the tragic bombings in London, the death toll should be reduced by four. I am make the assumption that it will be proven that all four bombs were detonated by suicide bombers (as seems the case for at least the bus bomber). Since each of the others are also missing, I’ll go out on a limb and say that they are all purposely dead.

Two reasons not to use their deaths in the fatality toll: First is the knee-jerk reaction to state that the death toll represents humans, and these scum were animals; the second is the more realistic observation that these Islamic filth killed themselves. And since when would we consider those who commit suicide as being “killed”? Have you ever read anything along the lines of “a man was killed today when he shot himself in the mouth with a shotgun”? Nope, they weren’t killed – and they don’t deserve the dignity of being counted with the precious innocents who were robbed of their lives…
posted by Madbob  # 5:52 PM

Saturday, July 02, 2005

What The HELL Is This Supposed To Mean?

I recently switched over to DSL broadband, and am loving life. It’s actually cheaper per month then the Angry American Wife’s beloved AOL (sorry, babe, but AOL has got to go!).

Now I can download large files (read, porn vids!) without leaving my connection on overnight. What I was looking for today was some video clips of the 9/11 attacks – you know, the stuff we Americans would be too traumatized to watch, according to the MSM. This despite the fact that they had no qualms about showing pictures of US prison abuse non-stop for months on end. But I digress.

I simply typed in “9/11 video” on Google. Of the first 10 hits displayed, only ONE was an actual link to legit 9/11 video (and an excellent one at that - I highly recommend it, but be warned, it's a real tearjerker). One was a link to some indie film which seemed to be a satirical take on Meathead Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11.

THE OTHER EIGHT (8) WERE LINKS TO 9/11 CONSPIRACY WEBSITES!!, one of which actually asks for DONATIONS while showing a trailer of a 9/11 conspiracy movie.

This is just sick. I’m sorta clueless when it comes to how search engines work – does this reflect the slant of those who run Google, or is it just that there are that many more conspiracy sites than real ones (by “real” I mean a site that just has video or pics of the tragedy of 9/11)? I’d like to know…
posted by Madbob  # 1:02 PM
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